Looking for something new for Harvest? Something easy and fun to sing? Something that actually mentions Jesus and God, so that we can thank them?!
"My Little Seed" is what you need!
It's aimed at ages 5-7 (KS1, Infants), but I've also tried it on ages 7-11 (KS2, Juniors), and they had a lot of fun singing it too. There are actions / motions to go with it - just what you need for that year 2 (or 1,3,4,5...) class harvest item!
Click these links:
Listen to "My Little Seed" Harvest Song on the Jukebox :: Get the Sheet Music and MP3 Full track / Backing track downloads for "My Little Seed" Harvest Song from the Store :: Watch the actions / motions video
"Party, Party!" - where? "The Kingdom of God is where it's found!"
Our Lord Jesus was fond of parties - he went to them, and he told stories about them - and in this song you can sing about them!
You can get the MP3 download for free for February 2015
Here are the clicky things: Listen on the Jukebox, Get the Sheet Music, Download from the Store
This song is great for a series at Sunday School, in Assembly, or for a Holiday Club / VBS / Backyard Bible club