Looking for something new for Harvest? Something easy and fun to sing? Something that actually mentions Jesus and God, so that we can thank them?!
"My Little Seed" is what you need!
It's aimed at ages 5-7 (KS1, Infants), but I've also tried it on ages 7-11 (KS2, Juniors), and they had a lot of fun singing it too. There are actions / motions to go with it - just what you need for that year 2 (or 1,3,4,5...) class harvest item!
Click these links:
Listen to "My Little Seed" Harvest Song on the Jukebox :: Get the Sheet Music and MP3 Full track / Backing track downloads for "My Little Seed" Harvest Song from the Store :: Watch the actions / motions video
When your Sunday School kids are going back to school, sing something encouraging with them, to remind them of God's love and presence through our Lord Jesus Christ:
"God can do immeasura-bubbly, more than you can ever imagine... Jesus loves you immeasura-bubbly, more than you can ever imagine..." Listen Here :: Download Here
"Jesus will keep us safe with Him, Jesus will make us more like Him ... We know (yes we know) that all things (yes all things) Work together for good, for all those who love God..." Listen Here :: Download Here
"Put it on, the full armour of God .... Get the shield of faith and helmet of salvation, put your trust in Jesus in every situation..." Listen Here :: Download Here