Looking for a children's bible song to sing at Sunday Club or in Church during Brexit-tide? It's that time of the year (or history) when people get really angry with each other and start saying and thinking all sorts of non Christ-like things. What we need is to remember the love of Christ that brings all people to himself, calling on us all to change our ways, trust in his saving death & resurrection, and start living for him!
"Goodbye Grumpy Feelings" is just the song for this moment! Listen on the jukebox, get the Sheet Music, download the MP3 files or get it on CD
Since the UK voted to leave the EU, the value of the pound has dropped, and that means... CHEAPER DOWNLOADS & CDS if you're not in the UK!! So for our USA friends there's a 6% or greater drop in price - wow! Buy now with these great savings before we change our mind!