12 Great New Songs that Children Love! The whole Christmas Story is covered - from Mary hearing she's having a baby, through to the Wise Men bowing down to worship Jesus. On the way there's Joseph's acceptance, lots of Angels, some Shepherds running like mad, and Jesus in that manger - shhh!
Tracks include: "Hush! There's a baby!", "Let's Go, Let's Go (Shepherds Song)", "Glory to God in the Highest" and many more.

"I love these songs, my church children love these songs and so do my church leaders. If you are looking for new upbeat Christmas music with easy to sing lyrics this album is the one you are looking for! Hush Baby Jesus has replaced Away In the Manger in our Christmas program for the last two years! This year we are adding 2 more from this album!" - prairielane
"We used 'Lets go' last year and it was a great success with the children and audience. Lots of positive comments after the nativity about the music. This year we're bravely learning two, 'Hush there's a baby' and 'King seekers'. They are especially easy for those of us who aren't musical!" - Jools
"This CD is full of fantastic songs to use at a Children's Nativity - tells the story in a fun way that children really enjoy." - Karen
Available in two formats:
CD (with Full Tracks, Backing / Instrumental Tracks, PDF Sheet Music)
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Album Download (also with Full Tracks, Backing / Instrumental Tracks, PDF Sheet Music)
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Posted by: David
on Monday, 15th July, 2024